This dear little guy is Cibran and he is 3 years old. Cibran is a Beagle looking for his forever home.
Cibran is very sociable with both male and female dogs. He is good with people.
Cibran is an active boy and after a while of being excited he is then good on the lead.
He also loves to move blankets and beds.
For a beagle, he is not too vocal either.
Cibran is very sociable with both male and female dogs. He is good with people.
Cibran is an active boy and after a while of being excited he is then good on the lead.
He also loves to move blankets and beds.
For a beagle, he is not too vocal either.
Buddy is in Northern Spain in a pound and he has been there over 2 years.
Buddy is 8 years old and 22kg.
He is good with other dogs and very submissive. Calm in his kennel.
Buddy is playful. He is friendly and loves a cuddle.
Buddy is having treatment for a skin fungal infection which he has had for some time. It was incorrectly treated and came back. He should finish his treatment by the end of October which is a weekly bath with Malaseb and cream daily. His skin is improving lots now he has the correct treatment. This condition is made worse by damp conditions so this boy really needs a lovely warm home and a comfy sofa.
Buddy is 8 years old and 22kg.
He is good with other dogs and very submissive. Calm in his kennel.
Buddy is playful. He is friendly and loves a cuddle.
Buddy is having treatment for a skin fungal infection which he has had for some time. It was incorrectly treated and came back. He should finish his treatment by the end of October which is a weekly bath with Malaseb and cream daily. His skin is improving lots now he has the correct treatment. This condition is made worse by damp conditions so this boy really needs a lovely warm home and a comfy sofa.
Bobby is 7/8 years old and weighs 11.7kgs.
He is good on the lead and improves with exercis.
Bobby gets on well with other dogs, both make and female. He is has not been tested with cats and is good with children
Bobby knows commands such as in, out, and sit.
He is a lovely little guy who wants to be by your side. He loves to walk and smell.
In his kennel he is quiet and sleeps and out in the park he loves to run with his friends and let everyone know he is around.
At first he is unsure but once he warms up he is an affectionate chap.
He is good on the lead and improves with exercis.
Bobby gets on well with other dogs, both make and female. He is has not been tested with cats and is good with children
Bobby knows commands such as in, out, and sit.
He is a lovely little guy who wants to be by your side. He loves to walk and smell.
In his kennel he is quiet and sleeps and out in the park he loves to run with his friends and let everyone know he is around.
At first he is unsure but once he warms up he is an affectionate chap.
Lala is an 8/9 year old beagle girl who weighs approximately 13kgs.
She lives happily with male and female dogs and will tell the younger dogs how to behave but is not overly dominant.
Lala is ok with children, she will bark if they are not respectful of her presence but never aggressive.
We believe she has previously lived in a home and loves to give kisses.
Lala has a strong scent drive and is a quiet girl until she has something to say!
She lives happily with male and female dogs and will tell the younger dogs how to behave but is not overly dominant.
Lala is ok with children, she will bark if they are not respectful of her presence but never aggressive.
We believe she has previously lived in a home and loves to give kisses.
Lala has a strong scent drive and is a quiet girl until she has something to say!